Resource Library

2005 | View More »

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Politics and Humanitarian Aid

Debates, Dilemmas and Dissension

Curtis, Devon

2001 | View More »

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Reality of Aid

Africa Edition 2003/4

2004 | View More »

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Dodging Development

Doha Round and Least Developed Countries

Titumir, Rashed Al Mahmud and Ahmed, M. Iqbal

2005 | View More »

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Real Aid

An Agenda for Making Aid Work

2005 | View More »

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Owning the Loan- Poor Countries and the MDGs

A Christian aid AFRODAD Report on How National Ownership of the Loan Process Can Help Poor Countries Reach the Millennium Development Goals

Lambrechts, Kato

2004 | View More »

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Bleeding Boundaries

Civil-Military Relations and the Cartography of Neutrality

Phelan, Jake and Wood, Graham

2005 | View More »

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Micro-Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Cultures in Sri Lanka

Implications for Poverty Reduction. Open Forum Documentation

Weeratunge, Nireka

2001 | View More »

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Who Measures Change?

An Introduction to Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation of Communication for Social Change

Parks, Will and Gray-Felder, Denise et al.

2005 | View More »

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The Market for Aid

Klein, Michael and Harford, Tim

2005 | View More »

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Legal Handbook for Internally Displaced Persons

Piyumu Kumari, M.M and Herath, H.M.P. Shalika

2002 | View More »

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Legal Aid Foundation

Amarasekera, Tharuka

| View More »

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Foreign Funded NGOs in Sri Lanka

Goonatilake, Susantha

2006 | View More »

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Ethical and Methodological Issues in Researching International Aid Organisations

Note of a Workshop Held at the Institute of Development Studies

Eyben, Rosalind

2005 | View More »

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Which Way the Future of Aid?

Southern Civil Society Perspectives on Current Debates on Reform to the International Aid System

Menocal, Alina and Rogerson, Andrew

2006 | View More »

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Which Way the Future of Aid?

Southern Civil Society Perspectives on Current Debates on Reform to the International Aid System

Menocal, Alina and Rogerson, Andrew

2006 | View More »

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