Resource Library

Evaluating the Impact of Development Projects on Poverty

A Handbook for Practitioners

Baker, J.L.

2000 | View More »

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Conflict Impact Assessment

A Practical Working Tool for Prioritising Development Assistance in Unstable Situations

1999 | View More »

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PCIA Methodology

A Development Practitioner


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Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment (PCIA)

Assessment of the impact of political cooperation programs on the development of conflicts

Storck, S.

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Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment (PCIA)

Assessment of the impact of political cooperation programs on the development of conflicts

Storck, S.

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Fishing Rights in Post-War Sri Lanka

Results of a Longitudinal Village Enquiry in the Jaffna Region

Bavinck, Maarten

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2010 | View More »

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Promoting Pro-Poor Growth


2006 | View More »

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Human Rights and Policy Analysis

The Impact of Involuntary Resettlement on an Indonesian Village

Fuys, A.

2002 | View More »

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Practitioner's Guide

Peace And Conflict Impact Assessment (PCIA)

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A Participatory Model for Evaluating Social Programs

Hasenfeld, Y.Z., Hill, K., and Weaver, D.

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