Resource Library

Democracy and Deep Rooted Conflict

Options for Negotiators

1998 | View More »

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Economic Reforms and Governance

The Second Wave of Liberalisation in Sri Lanka 1989-93

Dunham, David and Kelegama, Saman

1995 | View More »

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Survey Research the Basics

Punch, Keith F.

2003 | View More »

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2001 | View More »

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Free Trade

Myth, Reality and Alternatives

Dunkley, Graham

2004 | View More »

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Children Affected by Armed Conflict in South Asia

A Review of Trends and Issues Identified through Secondary Research

Boyden, Jo and de Berry, Jo

2002 | View More »

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1997 | View More »

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Development Planning

Concepts and Tools for Planners, Managers and Facilitators

Dale, Reidar

2004 | View More »

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Investing in Children and Adolescents

Arguments and Approaches for Advocacy

United Nations Children,s Fund (UNICEF)

2005 | View More »

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Growing up Global

The Changing Transitions to Adulthood in Developing Countries

2005 | View More »

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Children and Poverty

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Poverty Centre

2004 | View More »

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Sri Lanka New Development Strategy

Framework for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction

Ministry of Finance and Planning

2005 | View More »

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2005 | View More »

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