Resource Library

From Nobody to Somebody

Women,s Struggle to Achieve Dignity and Self-Reliance in a Bangladeshi Village

Forsslund, Annika

1995 | View More »

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Women in the Economy

Trends and Policy Issues

1998 | View More »

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Promoting the Millennium Developing Goals in Asia and the Pacific

Meeting the Challenges of Poverty Reduction

2003 | View More »

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Gender and Development

Poverty in North

1997 | View More »

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Migrant Women Domestic Workers

Cyprus, Greece and Italy

Wanasundera, Leelangi

2001 | View More »

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Post Beijing Reflections

Women in Sri Lanka 1995-2000

2000 | View More »

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2002 | View More »

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Ethnic and Gender Wage Disparities in Sri Lanka

Ajwad, M.I. and Kurukulasuriya, P.

2002 | View More »

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The Gender Dimensions of Internal Displacement

Concept Paper and Annotated Bibliography

Benjamin, Judy A. and Fancy, Khadija

1998 | View More »

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Women in Sri Lanka

Country Briefing Paper

Jayaweera, Swarna

1999 | View More »

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Forced Labour

Definition, Indicators and Measurement

Ruwanpura, Kanchana Nand Rai, Pallavi

2004 | View More »

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Sri Lankan Migrant Garment Factory Workers

Mauritius and Sultanate of Oman

Wanasundera, Leelangi and Dias, Malsiri

2002 | View More »

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Returnee Migrant Women in Two Locations in Sri Lanka

Jayaweera, Swarna and Dias, Malsiri et al.

2002 | View More »

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Gender Audit

Planning and Monitoring Institutions/Organisations

Jayaweera, Swarna

2000 | View More »

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Women at Work

ILO: Women,s Participation in Co-operatives

1987 | View More »

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Livelihoods in Crisis?

New Perspectives on Governance and Rural Development in Southern Africa

2003 | View More »

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2001 | View More »

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Structural Adjustment, Gender and Employment

The Sri Lankan Experience

Ruwanpura, Kanchana N. and Rodrigo, Chandra et al.

2000 | View More »

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