Resource Library

Lankawe Sasi Varthawa, 1943

Adyapanaya Pilibanda Vishesha Karaka Sabawe Varthawai

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Inclusive Aid

Changing Power and Relationships in International Development

2004 | View More »

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RIS Discussion Papers

India-Sri Lanka Bilateral Free Trade Agreement: Six Years Performance and Beyond

Kelegama, Saman and Mukherji, Indra Nath

2007 | View More »

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2007 | View More »

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Jagath Viduli Prathivihugathakarana Athdekeema

Sevavan Libaralkaranaya Ha Prathivihugathakaranaye

2007 | View More »

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A Short Introduction to Social Research

Henn, Matt and Weinstein, Mark et al.

2006 | View More »

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State of World Population 2007

Unleashing the Potential of Urban Growth

2007 | View More »

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Growing up Urban

State of World Population 2007: Youth Supplement


2007 | View More »

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Being a Tamil and Sri Lankan

Sivathamby, Karthigesu

2006 | View More »

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Globalisation - Tame It or Scrap It

Mapping the Alternatives of the Anti-Globalisation Movement

Buckman, Greg

2004 | View More »

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Civil Society in Civil War

Peace Work and Identity Politics in Sri Lanka

Orjuela, Camilla

2005 | View More »

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Return to Capital in Micro-Enterprises

Evidence from a Field Experiment

De Mel, Suresh and Woodruff, Christopher

2006 | View More »

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Sri Lanka

Challenges of the New Millennium

Peiris, G.H.

2006 | View More »

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Inclusive Aid

Changing Power and Relationships in International Development

2004 | View More »

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Fresh Perspectives

Exploring Alternative Dimensions of Poverty in Sri Lanka

2007 | View More »

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Gender Wage Gaps in Sri Lanka

Glass Ceilings or Sticky Floors?

Gunewardena, Dileni

2007 | View More »

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Dealing with Demons

An Exploratory Study on Post-Conflict Justice

Thalaysingam, Prashan

2006 | View More »

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Breaking with Business as Usual

Perspectives from Civil Society in the Commonwealth on the Millennium Development Goals

2005 | View More »

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2006 | View More »

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