Editor: Anderson C.J..
Publisher: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
Place of Publish: Switzerland, Geneva
Year: 2015
Page Numbers: 24
Acc. No: 4651
Class No: 338.9 GLO
Category: Books & Reports
Subjects: Development
Type of Resource: Monograph
Languages: English
The United Nations emphasizes the importance of 2015 as a critical year for the future of development. This year marks the conclusion of three international processes that will set the agenda through which disaster risk reduction, sustainable development and climate change are addressed. By September 2015, governments aim to agree on a set of Sustainable development Goals (SDGs) that will be based on the outcome of the Rio 20+ Conference and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). There is compelling evidence to show that strengthened commitment to and investment in disaster risk reduction is critical to the success of all three global processes as well as to achieving synergies between them. If the risk from disaster is not reduced it will be a major obstacle to economic development and in countries where disaster management makes up a significant proportion of capital investment it will be difficult to achieve sustained, let alone sustainable, development. Therefore investment in disaster risk reduction will greatly benefit countries and send them along the path to sustained growth and development.