Author : Postel, Sandra
Publisher: W.W.Norton & Company
Place of Publish: USA, New York
Year: 1992
Page Numbers: 239
Acc. No: 4742
Class No: 333.7 POS
Category: Books & Reports
Subjects: Environment and Natural Resources
Type of Resource: Monograph
Languages: English
ISBN: 0-393-30961-4
“Last Oasis discloses that the technologies and know-how exist to-day to make every drop of water go further, decreasing the likelihood of both scarcity and conflict. With methods already up and running, farmers could cut their demand for water by 10-5- percent, industries by 40-90 percent, and cities by one-third, without sacrificing economic output or quality of life. A sporting goods manufacturer in Massachusetts, for instance, cuts its water use by 96 percent in just three years, largely by recycling cooling water. Israel treats and reuses some 70 percent of its sewage to irrigate farmland. In much of the world, it turns out, ways to conserve water and use it more efficiently represent the least costly and most environmentally sound options for achieving water balance- and so far they have barely been trapped. Together, Postel shows us, they constitute our “Last Oasis.” Reference: Last Oasis