Articles includeded in this issue: The time divide in cross-national perspective: The work week, Education and institutions that matter by Peter Frase and Janet Gornik.
Eat, drink, man, woman: Gender, income share and household expenditure in South Africa by Elizabeth Gummerson and Daniel Schneider.
Public sector transformation, Racial inequality and downward occupational mobility by George Wilson, Vincent Roscigno and Matt Huffman.
All work and no pay; Violations of employment and labour laws in Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City by Bernhardt & Spiler & Polson.
Employment and earnings in High-Tech ethnic Niches by Lee.
Is deindustrialization causing high unemployment in affluent countries? By Kollmeyer.
Who gets designed a tourist and why? By Beck & Minnner.
Union membership and political participation in the United States. The social consequence of Post-communist structural change: An analysis of suicide trends in Eastern Europe by Minagawa.
Do descriptive norms solve social dilemmas? Conformity and contributions in collective action groups by Irwin & Savage.