Resource Library

Census of Population and Housing 2012

Provincial Information Based on 5% Sample

2014 | View More »

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Case Study Research

Design and Methods

Yin, R.K.

2014 | View More »

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Quarterly Report of the Sri Lanka Labour Force Survey

Quarterly Report -2012. Third Quarter

2013 | View More »

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2011 | View More »

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The Road to Peradeniya

An Autobiography. Sir William Ivor Jennings

2005 | View More »

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Youth Voices in Post-War Sri Lanka

Challenges, Aspirations and Opportunities for Transformation. Proceedings of the Young Rsearchers,s Focum 2012, held from January 20th-21st, 2012. Conference Proceedings

2012 | View More »

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The Leading Indicators

A Short History of the Numbers that Rule our World

Karabell, Z.

2014 | View More »

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The Great Awakening

A Buddhist Social Theory

Loy, David R.

2003 | View More »

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2013 | View More »

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Decentralised Service Delivery in Panchayats

A Pilot Citizens, Audit

Sekhar, S., Nair, M. and Reddy, A.V.

2008 | View More »

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2009 | View More »

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Assessment of Solar Powered Drip Irrigation Project Implemented by Ministry of Agriculture

Phase 1

Aheeyar, M.M.M., Bandara, M.A.C.S., and Padmajani, M.T.

2012 | View More »

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Farmer Participation in Irrigation System Management

Achievements and Drawbacks

Aheeyar, M.M.M., Bandara, M.A.C.S., and Padmajani, M.T.

2012 | View More »

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Transforming Lives

Listening to Sri Lankan Returnee Women Migrant Workers

Kottegoda, S., Jayasundere, R. and Perera, S. et al.

2013 | View More »

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Sri Lanka: The Emerging Wonder of Asia

Mahinda Chinthana Vision for the Future. Public Investment Strategy 2014-2016

2013 | View More »

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Thinking Ethics

How Ethical Values and Standards Are Changing

2006 | View More »

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Women Claiming Rights. Using Normative Frameworks of UNCR 1325 & CEDAW

Study on Women Affected by Conflict in Post War Sri Lanka. Selected Cases of Marginalisation and Poverty, Female Headed Households, Female Ex-Combatants, Land Rights and Domestic Violence

2014 | View More »

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Accountability Restorative Justice and Reconcilliation

Report of a Civil Society Seminar on the Review of the Report of the Secretary General,s Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka and Connected Papers

2011 | View More »

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