Resource Library

Participatory Approaches for Cooperative Group Events

Basic Concepts, Case Study, Practical Tips

1991 | View More »

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Caste as Women

Nabar, Vrinda

1995 | View More »

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The Rain Decided to Help Us

Participatory Watershed Management in the State of Maharashtra, India

Lobo, Crispino and Kochendorfer-Lucius, Gudrun

1995 | View More »

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Does It Work?

Mid Term Status of the Implementation of MDG3 Commitments

2009 | View More »

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The Challenge of Cross-Border Environmentalism

The US-Mexico Case

Barry, Tom and Sims, Beth

1994 | View More »

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Participatory Learning and Action

A Trainer’s Guide

Pretty, Jules N. and Guijt, Irene et al.

1995 | View More »

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Human Rights Impact of Post Tsunami Policies

Report on Pilot Study in Ampara and Galle Districts

2006 | View More »

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Moving Out of Poverty

Understanding Freedom, Democracy and Growth from the Bottom-up

Narayan, Deepa and Petesch, Patti

2005 | View More »

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Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book

Maps and Data by Sector

2011 | View More »

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Globalization and Social Progress

The Role and Impact of International Labour Standards

Sengenberger, Werner

2005 | View More »

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Towards Sustainable Growth

The Sri Lanka Experience

Wijayadasa, K.H.J.

1994 | View More »

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Digital Story Telling


Lambbert, Joe

2010 | View More »

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