Resource Library

2005 | View More »

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Impact of Development Cooperation in Conflict Situations

Cross-Section Report on Evaluations of German Development Cooperation in Six Countries

Klingebiel, Stephan

1999 | View More »

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Conflict Assessments

A Synthesis Report: Kyrgyztan, Moldova, Nepal and Sri Lanka

Goodhand, Jonathan

2001 | View More »

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Sri Lanka Census of Agriculture - 2002

Report on Estate Sector

2004 | View More »

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2004 | View More »

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State of World Population 2003

Making 1 Billion Count: Investing in Adolescents, Health and Rights

2003 | View More »

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Intervention Strategies That Work for Youth

Summary of the Focus on Young Adults - End of Program Report

James-Traore, Tijuana and Magnani, Robert et al.

2002 | View More »

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2003 | View More »

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Wetland Conservation Project Sri Lanka

Final Report

Central Environmental Authority (CEA)

2003 | View More »

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Wetlands are No Wastelands

A Manual and Strategy for Conservation and Development of Wetlands in Sri Lanka

1994 | View More »

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Annual Report 2003

Central Bank of Sri Lanka

2004 | View More »

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Monitoring the 20/20 Compact on Budget and Aid Restructuring in Sri Lanka

Ravi Rannan-Eliya and Senagama, Dananjanee et. al.

1999 | View More »

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Sri Lanka

State of the Economy 2001

2001 | View More »

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Reducing Poverty

Major Findings and Implications

1999 | View More »

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Operation, Maintenance and Sustainability of Services for the Urban Poor

Findings, Lessons Learned and Case Studies Summary and Analysis

Sohail, M. and Cavill, S.

2001 | View More »

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